I've been fascinated with comic books since 1979 and am on a journey to open my own online comic book shop.
Some people dream of being a professional baseball player, a kick-ass rock star or even a super famous movie actor. Me? At certain points in my life, I had dreams of being all of those things. Alas those dreams were farfetched as I was neither talented enough nor driven enough to pursue those ambitions. But as a youth and young adult, I had one other dream. A dream that seemed less possible than the others at the time, but in reality was always the most achievable – to own a comic book store.
Owning a comic shop is one of those dreams that I kept to myself and didn’t share with too many people other than my wife. Even now, writing these words, it seems like a silly idea. I mean I’m 43 years old for crying out loud, yet I’m as fascinated today with comics as I was when I was first discovered them back in 1979, when I was 6 years old.
So there. I said it. My dream is to own a comic book store.
And dammit, maybe it’s because of my age and the sense that my life is essentially half over (can you say mid-life crisis?), but I’ve never been more motivated to chase down a dream than I am today. So as I write this, I’m compelled to dive into this headfirst and start the long journey of creating my own online comic book shop from scratch.